The disk space feature displays the full volume of info that you're able to have on your shared hosting server at one time. With a personal computer, for instance, this is the capacity of one hard disk drive or the full capacity of all the hard drives in case that your computer has more than just a single one. Exactly as your space on a personal computer is shared between installed computer programs, docs, your music and so forth, the server hard disk space is usually shared between website files, databases and emails. Every file, folder and email message will take a little space on your server, therefore you should think about multiple factors, not only the size of the files which you upload. For instance, having larger email attachments or having a script-driven internet site in which the user-generated info is kept in a database will also affect the space you use.
Disk Space in Shared Hosting
We've created our Linux shared hosting with the idea that the disk storage won't be an issue for your sites. While many web hosting providers set up accounts using one server, and in fact, the most common Control Panels were made to operate solely on such a platform, we have applied an alternative solution. We have clusters of servers that take care of each part of the website hosting service, so your files are stored on one cluster, the emails on another,the databases using a third one, etc. With this cloud platform we achieve two things - the hard drive space is actually limitless for the reason that we're able install as many servers and hard drives to the clusters as required, and we raise the effectiveness of each machine as just a single type of system processes will operate on it. This custom-made setup will enable you to extend your sites as much as you'd like without worrying about not having enough hdd storage.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With our semi-dedicated server packages, the hdd capacity characteristic is not limited, so that you'll be able to center on developing your web sites the way you like and not be concerned about hitting a limit. Unlike a number of hosting providers that make accounts on one server, we use an in-house built cloud platform, which enables us to offer truly limitless hard disk space for every single account. With just a single machine, there's a limited number of hard disks you can use, not mentioning that most of the hosting Control Panels weren't meant to function with more than one server concurrently. Our platform, on the other hand, makes use of clusters of servers for the site files, emails and databases, and our custom Hepsia Control Panel was designed to work with it. We are able to add as many servers to all of the clusters as needed any time, so that the hdd space is virtually inexhaustible.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting
The minimum disk storage that you can get with our dedicated servers is 500 GB. You will have two separate hard drives, 250 GB each, and it'll be up to you exactly how you'll use this storage. You can easily have the drives in RAID, so all your content will be protected as one drive will function as a real-time mirror of the other one, alternatively you'll be able to have them function separately, so as to use the overall storing potential that will be available to you. The hard disk space of all our Linux dedicated servers hosting is enough for everything - massive Internet stores, data depository portal, personal archive clone, and a lot more. We will never keep back your sites in terms of the hard disk space they need. When that they start increasing, we supply you with the opportunity to add additional hard drives to your existing server if needed. If you get the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you will also be able to make a different account for each hosted domain name and set a specific hard disk storage space quota for it. When you use Hepsia all the domains will be hosted in one place and they will share the whole server space.